“As a cutting edge vocational technical high school system, our affiliation with the Global STEM Education Center has fortified our integrated science and technical education endeavors. The Center's instructional innovation techniques foster new levels of learning enthusiasm coupled with diverse cultural awareness opportunities. The long-term benefits of our partnership will be most evident in the 21st century work skills of our graduates.”
Dr. Michael Fitzpatrick, Superintendent Blackstone Valley Regional Vocational Tech School
“One major factor in determining a life science company’s success is how well individuals can work in cross functional and multi-cultural teams. Developing these skills and abilities should not be “on the Job training” but instead should be built into the fabric of schools day to day operations. The Global STEM Education Center is making important steps in leading these initiatives and I support their mission and goals.”
Lance Hartford, Executive Director, Biotech Foundation
“While the principles and language of STEM transcend geography and national identities, cultural traditions and values vary widely. By engaging students in STEM education on a global basis, they may better understand their differences and find common ground for collaboration. The Global STEM Education Center is helping to build the platform and programs on which this process will take place.”
John F. Hodgman, Professor of Practice, Entrepreneurial Leadership Tufts University, Gordon Institute
"Global STEM Classroom is a very unique, innovative program that is essentially designed to meet the needs of a 21st century learner and to fill in the gaps where traditional classrooms are failing. Mastering skills that are imperative to survive in the competitive nature of today’s global workforce is at the crux. With Global STEM, students are given the opportunity to create, collaborate and communicate across media-rich networks and systems. The learning is student-centered; they lead with their own initiatives and entrepreneurship skills. They are ultimately responsible for accessing and analyzing information. It also allows their curiosity and imagination to lead the way”
Ms. Amanda Nelson, a mother of Walter Nelson, Global STEM Education Center, GTEC student 2010-2012
“It is often said that we are preparing our students for their future not our past. So when we ask ourselves what do our students need for their future, the answer is Global STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics). Everyone is talking about STEM education. What sets Global STEM apart is the Global aspect. Our students are working with students who are in other countries across the world to solve real world problems, such as clean drinking water for the world. The students are working as they might in a global company or as governments working together. Part of the curriculum teaches skills for working with others who are much different both linguistically and culturally to solve problems that everyone cares about. The Global STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) program takes STEM to a whole other level.
The Global STEM (Science,Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) program takes STEM to a whole other level. It is not just the STEM subjects that are being taught, but how to work using technology as the platform for communication with others who are different both culturally and linguistically to solve world problems that everyone cares about, such as clean drinking water for the world”.
Carol Woodbury, Superintendent of Schools
The Global STEM Classroom® Program is an unique program. It is very different from all other existing programs. I have been acquainted with Global STEM since my daughter, Anastasia Bershanskaya, was a pupil of 9th grade at the Moscow Physics and Mathematics Lyceum"L2SH" (Moscow Lyceum “Vtoraya Shkola”l). The benefits of collaborative scientific work of the teacher and the pupils go far beyond the school program. The program provides an experience for students to learn how to collaborate with people with different cultural backgrounds while working on authentic science, engineering and technology problems in multicultural teams and overcoming many logistical challenges (like working with a team member located in a different time zone). I also would like to emphasize the importance of this program for the students in K-12 – and especially for students 13-15 years old – the age when a person's world is being formed. The program gives students the experience of international and trans-cultural interaction through A real STEM activity.”
Elena Bershanska, a mother of Anastasia Bershanska, Global STEM Education Center, GTEC student 2013-2014 (MIT Class 2019)
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